Important Characteristics of a Successful EntrepreneurDrawing on a marketing degree from Syracuse University, David Mindich founded Thermal Paper Direct in Mahwah, New Jersey, in 2006. David…Jul 12, 2022Jul 12, 2022
How Thermal Paper WorksA longtime resident of New Jersey, David Mindich leverages his 35-year entrepreneurial career to serve as managing partner of Mindich…Jun 3, 2022Jun 3, 2022
Two Tips on How Beginners Can Develop an Appropriate Running FormBased in New Jersey, David Mindich is the founder of Thermal Paper, Mahwah, New Jersey. He also serves as the president of Minda Supply…May 19, 2022May 19, 2022
What Venture Capitalists DoDavid Mindich is an accomplished investor with over 35 years of business experience. He specializes in partnering with new businesses…May 4, 2022May 4, 2022
Products for Sale on Minda Supply Company’s CleanersOutlet WebsiteAlongside serving as the manager at his venture capital firm Mindich Capital, David Mindich has served as the president of Minda Supply…Apr 15, 2022Apr 15, 2022
Services Offered by Thermal Paper DirectMentoring startup entrepreneurs for over 35 years, David Mindich is the New Jersey-based founder of the online-only company Thermal Paper…Apr 5, 2022Apr 5, 2022
What is Resistance Training?The president of Minda Supply Company for more than three decades, David Mindich, catalyzes multiple startups’ development, helping them…Mar 25, 2022Mar 25, 2022
Benefits of Having an Angel Investor as a StartupAn experienced businessman and entrepreneur from New Jersey, David Mindich is the president of Minda Supply Company. David Mindich also…Mar 15, 2022Mar 15, 2022